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If you could acquire pure gold bullion, every week,

without having to pay for it, and

create a strong weekly income doing so,

would you like to learn about it?  Click below.


PROTECT.  Our GOLD business is the Best of these opportunities below, and you'll find most of the following pages are related to it.  If you already have a business, we hope you will PROTECT all your earnings with insurance on it---GOLD.  It makes no sense to work hard, meet your financial goals and then lose it all because it wasn't hedged with REAL money---GOLD---when a dollar reset occurs.  Inflation is eroding your paper money, too.


SELECT.  We also want to help you earn money with much less start up costs in case that is where you are.  We suggest you read our philosophy page of how you can protect everything you own and earn with a comprehensive plan.  We suggest if you want to earn money quickly, explore and join Moneyline, and then get your FREE GOLD SAVINGS account to structure yourself wisely & strategically.  Click through the opportunities below to broaden yourself to several streams of income.



View Earning Opportunities   click hyperlinked Name in left column for more information; all below have                                                    optional money-making elements in addition to the product



Name                       Type             Free Option?    Min. Biz Cost      Benefits


Moneyline                Lead Generator          Yes        $20    Generates FREE leads from straight line sign up

                                                                         (1000/day); most have a business, you post to THEM for free


Lead Lightning          Lead Generator        No        $7     Make $6 each sale


Free Electric Bills    Reduce Electric bill    Free       varies  FREE 2-day vacation for every customer;

         customer has NO contract, NO fees, NO CHANGE to current service;  FREE SOLAR


Health       doTERRA Essential Oils            No       $35     membership levels earn you more products

          Eliminate harmful products. Detoxify. Cleanse. Live healthier. Use natural foods to heal.


Real Time Pain Relief                              Yes        varies   Relief in minutes; Pro Bull Riders use  RTPR!


GOLD                       Pure Bullion               Yes-      $0       Open your FREE gold savings account

           Bullion is currency grade gold (purest gold)               About $350    Get Paid 7 Ways, earn free gold


Stock, Options         Trading           nothing to sell; click hyper-linked page for more information.


ENGAGE.  To have additional streams of income requires that you engage in as many Quadrant 3 & 4 endeavors (see our Education page and Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" guidance) so you don't run yourself ragged and dilute your effectiveness.  If you want to work from home and have a global market place, you've come to the right place!


Entrepreneurial Philosophy


Solomon, the wisest man in the world, said to divide your portion into seven or eight ventures "because you do not know what calamity may come upon the earth" (Ecclesiastes 11:1-4).  We have to have ONE venture before we have eight.  We have others not on this page, but these are businesses that could get you started.


If you have little money to start an internet or home business, join Moneyline (above, at no cost, giving you a world wide list you can use for all of your ventures) and the free portion of the GOLD project (the Unilevel part), which also has a worldwide market.  Real Time Pain Relief is a great value.  Go to my RTPR website and look toward the bottom left. You may find the Sampler program is a way to get started and earn your way quickly to the Vendor program.  It costs nothing to join.  People are in pain all around, and RTPR makes it easy to take their products and earn money with the mark up.  Everyone gets a free website and can earn with no money to start.

SeSelect. Engage. Protect

Select. Engage. Protect.


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