Thanks for looking
While this site was developed primarily for those taking a first look at Karatbars to get more information, you might want to know very successful training and support and encouragement awaits you if you get involved with our team. Within Karatbars we are part of a larger group called the Synergy Gold Team. Three people went to 30,000 in 16 months, and it is more as every day goes by.
Our training is not on this site but you can see below some of the things that will help you should decide to join us. After all, we will be partners, and your success is our focus. Some have left as many as six other businesses they were directing to work Karatbars full time. That may not be your goal; Karatbars is a vehicle to help you accomplish your personal goals, and you can make it what you want. You can see success as you define it happen in 12 years or 12 months or maybe 12 weeks, depending upon realistic goals and your efforts and the training you get. The momentum of collapsing your time frame with the support and training of Synergy Gold will encourage you to reach your goals. Those who put the duplication training in place have a proven track record and will share it with you. While you are still looking over whether Karatbars is for you, take a look below at just a few resources that might guide you to success.
4 Steps Gets You Moving
1 Get a free affiliate account to start your gold savings initiative through
the person who told you about Karatbars.
2 Acquire one of the 5 business packages
Bronze * Silver * Gold * VIP * VIP Exclusive
Choose your paycheck level
3 Move paper money to Gold money. (a Karatbar)
We get paid for saving money.
4 Team up with two people who will do the same and repeat
We assist people with their financial goals, developing a plan to do it. Giving unsolicited projections of income can be considered enticement, so do not make projections. You have no idea if they will give their "A-Game" effort to an A-Grade endeavor like Karatbars.
Here are Events to Check Out
1 Click the image at left to see the official Karatbars
presentation---6 videos, most of them very short
2 4-Minute Sizzle call you can use to tell others
US 385-232-2220 Canada 604.259.8805
3 Synergy Gold Group (presentation tab)
Can You Do These 3 Things?
1 Invitation-invite someone to look at a Karatbars presentation
2 Presentation---point them to a Private Gold Reception,
a webinar, a video, a public meeting, a conference call
3 Three-Way Conversation
Introduce them to someone with a track record
who can answer their questions.
We ask beginners to become Incredible Inviters, not Excellent Explainers or Spectacular Speakers. Tell people your reasons for getting involved and invite them to take a look. It may or may not be for them at this time. We are looking for people who are looking for us, and your team can keep you from being frustrated with naysayers, skeptics & procrastinators. It is about the Message, not the Messenger.