View Official Karatbars Presentation Videos click image
Karatbars Alliances
Alliances include:
London Bullion Marketing Associaton
on the London Good Delivery LIst
Federal Express (FedEx)
United States Imaging Department (licensing images of
Statue of Liberty, American Flag and Bald Eagle on products)
the Vatican (licensing image of Pope Paul VI on products)
PROSEGUR (gold cyber security, storage, armored delivery)
Moto GP Racing (sponsor w/ Ricky Cardus, racer)
Real Madrid Football Club (sponsor)
sponsor of Martina Sablikova,
Olympic Speed Skating Gold Medalist
Karatbars Corporate Videos
A series of six videos:
1- Karatbars One Gram At A Time 1:44
A savings account you can count on
2-Are You a Connector? 7:52
A connected global economy rewards connectors
since the world has changed....
3-Karatbars International Intro Video 3:02
The Karatbar, a superior exchange of money from cash
4-Karatbars International 8:37
HQ tour, Mr. Harald Seiz, founder
The 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, then in
1971 US President Nixon delinks US dollar from gold
Gold is financial security due to devaluing currencies
5-Karatbars Image Film (English) 2:25
Mr. Harald Seiz, helping people change their life
6-How To Earn 12:53
Educate self on the K-bar product
Understand the global system Karatbars has created
including increasing merchant exchange, phone apps
Start with a free gold savings account
Choose your start up cost, including no money, and
enter one of two systems--Unilevel, Dual Team
for direct commissions and bonuses
In video 6, if you'd like to go directly to the compensation plan, click the button below and start about minute 7.