Here are the 7 Ways to earn from Karatbars:
1 Direct Commission
2 Package Bonus
3 Dual Team Cycle Bonus
4 Generational Bonus
5 Unilevel Bonus
6 Karatbars Pool
7 Karatbars Gold Fund
8 Incentive Bonuses also exist, including 3 luxury cars and a $1,000,000 villa built for you anywhere in the world. Visit the "Incentives" tab (far right of horizontal tab menu under MORE) for current awards. The button above takes you to a video of earlier awards. The "sales volume" mentioned means total LIFETIME volume in your entire organization, not personal purchases of gold only. Again, affiliates "Sell" nothing; these are purchases made by you and others FROM THE COMPANY credited to YOU.

Driving Momentum with the Power Leg Stategy
Going back to the Dual Team system, there is a way to maximize the payouts of the Cycle bonus. When people get paid faster and more often, momentu builds. YOu could make the same amount if you go slower (say 12 weeks), but 12 days builders excitement and encourages more initiative
Watch this video to understand how to develop a power leg
for yourself and your team members. When you become an affiliate, have the person who sponsors you or someone else who understands the Power Leg strategy help you understand HOW to place your new affiliates in your Dual Team matrix.
There is a selector menu in your free website "back office" to help maximize your pay structure. Ask your sponsor or someone else to show you their back office. You receive your own website immediately when you register for your free gold savings account.
My Gold Savings Account
The heart of what we are doing is paying ourselves first
by putting savings money into gold Karatbars instead of in a bank savings account.
Which preserves your purchasing power better?
Look at the charts on the left. Which would you rather have---gold or depreciating dollars & other paper IOUs?
Would you like to get paid sharing this
with others? Get back to the person who sent you here, open your free account (90 seconds), and become an affiliate today.
Two Systems---Unilevel Pay Plan & Dual Team Plan
Be sure to register as an affiliate upon registration for your free gold savings account. All affiliates are entered into the Unilevel Pay Plan. If you enroll as a customer accidentally, immediately upgrade to affiliate (free)---customers cannot earn even the passive commissions of the Unilevel Plan.
Unilevel commissions are paid monthly.
Dual team commissions are paid weekly on Fridays. Affiliates earn
+direct commissions, and
+bonus commissions, based upon team points (units).
Learn how these are paid by clicking on the image at left. Be sure to watch the first three videos. The 2nd and 3rd videos overlap explanations but aid your understanding. Howard Olsen tells his real life story of how his teams developed in the 3rd video.
You earn BIGGER paychecks in the Dual Team system. Learn how to trigger extra paycheck bonuses ("cycles") with the Power Leg Strategy by watching the next video below.

"I'd rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort" J. Paul Getty